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Vintage Photo Editing Using the Color Lookup Feature on Photoshop

Vintage Photo Editing Using the Color Lookup Feature on Photoshop
Robert Brown
November 6, 2024
Vintage Photo Editing Using the Color Lookup Feature on Photoshop

Vintage photo effects have become increasingly popular in recent years, as people have become more interested in creating unique and interesting images. One way to create a vintage photo effect is to use the Color Lookup feature in Photoshop. Color Lookup is a tool that allows you to change the colors in an image based on a set of color swatches. You can use this tool to create a vintage photo effect by choosing a set of color swatches that are similar to those used in old photographs.

At Invensis, we have been using the Color Lookup feature to create vintage photo effects for our clients. We have found that this tool provides a great way to add a unique and stylish touch to images. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the Color Lookup feature to edit your photos and give them a vintage look.

Classic Vintage Lookup Color Effect Tutorial Photoshop

Photoshop is one of the pioneers of the digital photo editing revolution. However, the groundbreaking software from the Adobe family remains astoundingly popular among editors. With over one-third of its photo editing professionals using it, Photoshop is immensely popular software. Whether it's layered photo editing or adding effects, Photoshop will always come to your rescue. Out of all the features in photoshop, Color Lookup is an interesting one. It enables people to change the appearance of a photo by selecting a new look from the presets.

Adobe Photoshop: A Photo Editor's Magic Wand

Professional photo editing software is also useful for graphic designing. It enables photo editors to transfer the most ordinary images into something stunning. With the plethora of tools in the editing software, amateurs might feel overwhelmed. But with time, you will be able to learn how to use the different tools to create the most stunning images.

The Photoshop interface is becoming more customizable and helpful with time. You are allowed to choose from multiple workspace layouts such as 

  • Graphic
  • Motion
  • Photography
  • Painting

It also enables editors to create their customized panel layouts and windows.

Some benefits of using Photoshop are as follows:

Enhance Product Photos

Good product photography can make customers trust you more. E-commerce sites using good product photographs can generate more revenue. Photoshop enables you to create attractive product photos and increase your website's authority.

Artistic Transformation of Pictures

Photoshop enables editors to add painting effects to images. The Artistic Painting Effect on Photoshop is quite popular. It enables editors to turn photos into artistic masterpieces within a few seconds. 

Retouch Your Images

Photoshop enables you to change the background, reshape image size, adjust pixel manipulation, and do more. Some of the key tools for every photo editor are:

  • Photoshop action
  • Photoshop overlays
  • Lightroom presets

It can help make photoshoots in any industry more stunning. 

The Color Lookup Feature in Photoshop

The Color Lookup feature in Photoshop enables editors to change the colors of photos by choosing presets. The presets are called LUTs or lookup tables and are primarily used in the film industry. A lookup table contains instructions for Photoshop to take the original colors in an image and remap them to create a different look. Depending on the lookup table you choose, the difference between the original and edited image can be subtle or dramatic. First, let's learn how to use the feature in Photoshop.

Choosing the Color Lookup Adjustment

The Color Lookup option appears in the Adjustments panel. The icon looks like a grid and can be found in the far right corner of the middle row. It will place a Color Lookup adjustment layer named Color Lookup 1 by default. The layer will appear above the original image layer in the Layers panel.

Finding the right Lookup Table

After adding the adjustment layers, you will encounter multiple lookup tables in the Properties panel. The tables are found in categories like:

  • Abstract
  • 3DLUT File
  • Device Link

The 3DLUT category includes most of the lookup tables. To select a lookup table, you need to click on the box beside each category's name. It will open the list of lookup tables available within the category. The name of the tables will give you a rough idea of what results can be expected. Suppose you select the Crisp_Warm table under the 3D LUT category. You will instantly see Photoshop remapping the original colors of the selected photos. The image will get a higher contrast and warmer appearance due to your chosen lookup table. Since you will be using an Adjustment Layer, the changes won't be permanent. Therefore, you will be able to try different lookup tables before going with the one you like the most. Then, if you once again click on your selected lookup table, Photoshop will remap the photo's original colors. 

Adjusting the Look 

Since you will be working on Adjustment layers, you will be able to fine-tune the photo results further. You can do it simply by:

  • Changing the blend mode or opacity of the Lookup layer.
  • The opacity option in the upper right corner of the Layers panel.

Suppose you have chosen the NightFromDay lookup table. Firstly, try to reduce the adjustment layer's opacity to 50%. It will make the color and brightness of the original photo a little visible. Therefore, the effect on the edited photo will be less intense. If you wish to change the adjustment layer's blend mode, the option is available in the upper left part of the Layers panel. The blend mode is set to Normal by default. But you can choose from other blend modes like:

  •  Screen
  • Overlay
  • Soft Light
  • Multiply

Suppose you choose the Overlay blend mode. It will increase the contrast of your image. As a result, your image with the lookup table NightFromDay will look more intense and impactful.

Finding the Difference Between the Edited Image and the Original One

You can also compare the edited version of the image with the original one. To do so:

  • Look for the layer visibility option beneath the “Properties” panel.
  • Click on the layer visibility icon to have another look at the actual image.
  • By clicking on it, you can turn off the adjustment layer temporarily. 

The original image will appear on the document window. Once again, you will have to click on the layer visibility icon to turn on the adjustment layer.

How to Add a Vintage Effect on Your Photos Using Photoshop?

Photoshop has always been dedicated to developing useful features to increase editors' productivity. For example, the Color Lookup feature on Photoshop enables editors to create vintage filters. You must be wondering why you can't add a normal vintage look using a photo filter app. While photo filter apps might hamper image quality, Photoshop will enable you to design high-quality vintage photos. The steps to give your pictures a vintage look using the Color Lookup feature are as follows:

Add a Color Lookup Layer

Open the photo that you wish to edit from File>Open. After that:

  • Look for the “Adjustment” layer icon.
  • Click on it and you will find a drop-down menu.
  • Choose the “Color Lookup” from that menu.

Remember one thing, the options to adjust the colors of your image will open in a different properties dialog box. 

Change the Colors

You will find three different tabs, and you will have to select your desired color effects from these tabs. To add a vintage look, go to the Abstract tab. A drop-down menu will appear from which you should opt for Gold-Crimson. Don't stop yourself from experimenting with the other effects. Imagine how you want the final picture to be before selecting the desired effect.

Add a Vignette

Now, you will have to create a copy of the Background layer. You must: 

  • Label the layer as 'Filter effects.' You will come across a few options when you click on the Filter effects layer. 
  • Look for the 'Convert to Smart Object' option and select it. The option will enable you to add multiple filter effects in a non-destructive way. 
  • Head on to Filter and select the Lens Correction option. 
  • Switch to the Custom tab to add a vignette. Make sure to do some modifications under the vignette tab. 
  • Change the Midpoint to 40 and the Amount to -60. 
  • Click Ok to save your changes.

Make Your Picture a Little Grainy

You should make your picture a little grainy to get the ultimate vintage effect. Select Filter and choose Filter Gallery. You should be looking for the Textures menu to select Grain. Keep the intensity at 20 and the contrast at 60. Select the Grain Type as Regular. Select Ok to apply the effect. Save the photos as a PSD file to make the layers stay as it is.

Why Choose Invensis for Classic Vintage Color Effects?

We have provided a detailed tutorial regarding making your photos vintage. However, if you find the instructions too overwhelming, you have nothing to be afraid of. A professional digital photo editing service like ours will come to your rescue at all times.

Our professionals are well-equipped with all the latest techniques and technologies in the photo editing industry. We have 15 years of experience in editing photos across different industries. You can contact us to learn more about our retouching services. You can take a look at our services here.

Final Thoughts

The Color Lookup feature on Photoshop enables you to add a vintage touch to your image while keeping its quality intact. You can also change how your photos look by experimenting with the other lookup tables. In addition, mixing with the opacity levels and the blend modes can further enhance the presets. However, if you think this process is taking way too much of your time or are having a hard time understanding the settings, you can always contact Invensis. Our digital photo editing services have experts who can give a nice vintage look to your images in a breeze. 


1. Is Photoshop difficult to learn?

Beginners often find Photoshop a bit difficult because of its numerous features. If you find editing with Photoshop difficult, hire professional photo editing services like Invensis.

2. Can Invensis give my photos a vintage look?

You can contact the experts at Invensis and inform them about your requirements. The professionals are well-qualified to offer all types of photo editing services.

3. How much does Invensis charge for photo editing?

Invensis will provide you with a price quote after understanding your photo editing requirements. 

4. What is the Color Lookup feature on Photoshop?

The Color Lookup feature on Photoshop enables you to change the appearance of images by remapping their original colors. 

5. Can Invensis retouch my wedding photos?

Invensis offers photo editing services across different industries, from food to fashion. 



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